The list below is a comprehensive compilation of Honda Motorcycles 500 to 599cc motorcycle-related books
and reference works. Please have a look at the list below and click on any of the books that are of interest to you.
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Picture | Title | Ship from | Ship from | Ship from |
| Clymer Honda Cr250R & Cr500R, 1988-1991/Cat No M432
| Honda Xl/Xr200-600 1978-1986 Service, Repair, Performance (M319) by Ed Scott
| Not available UK
| Honda CR250R & CR500R, 1988-1996
| Honda CR250R-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1987: Service Repair Maintenance/M443 by Ed Scott, Alan Ahlstrand (Editor)
| Clymer Honda XL/XR 500 650 Singles 1979 - 1997
| Clymer Honda 450 & 500cc Twins : 1965-1976, by Mike Bishop
| Clymer Honda CX & GL500/650 Twins 1978-1983 Service Repair Maintenance, by Ed Scott
| Clymer Honda VT500, 1983-1988
| Honda 350-550cc Fours, 1971-1978 : Service Repair Maintenance, by Clymer Publications
| Honda CB550SC Nighthawk & 650SC Nighthawk, 1983-1985 by E. Scott
| Honda 500cc V-Fours, 1984-1986
| CB400 & 550, 400 & 550cc, '73 thru '77 - CBR600F2, 600cc, '91 thru '94
| Honda CX/GL500 & 650 V-Twins : 497cc-673cc. 1978 to 1986 Owners Workshop Manual (442), by Haynes
| Chilton's new repair and tune up guide for the Honda Fours
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Honda service-repair handbook : 350-550cc fours, 1972-1976 by Brick Price
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Chilton's Repair and Tune-Up Guide, Honda 450/500 Twins by Chilton Book Company. Automotive Editorial Dept.
| Not available from UK
| Chilton's repair and tune-up guide, Honda 450/500 twins
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Chilton's repair and tune-up guide, Honda Fours
| Not available from Canada
| Honda service-repair handbook : 350-550cc fours, 1972-1977 by Brick Price
| Not available from Canada
| Honda Xl Xr 500 650 Singles 1979 1995
| Honda, 450 and 500cc Twins, 1965-1977 : Service, Repair, Performance by Eric Jorgensen
| Repair and Tune-Up Guide, Honda Fours by Chilton Book Company. Automotive Editorial Dept.
| Honda XL/XR 500-600 singles, 1979-1987 : service, repair, maintenance by Ed Scott
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Honda Xl Xr 500 650 Singles 1979 1993
| Honda VT500, 1983-1988
| Honda XL/XR 500-650 singles, 1979-1993
| Honda 350-550cc fours, 1972-1978 : service, repair, performance
| Chilton's Repair and Tune-Up Guide, Honda 350-550 Fours, 1971-77 by Chilton Book Company. Automotive Editorial Dept.
| Not available from UK
| Honda Twins Owners Workshop Manual, 1964-1978 by Jeff Clew
| Chilton's new repair and tune-up guide: Honda twins
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Chilton's repair and tune-up guide--Honda singles
| Not available from Canada
| Not available from UK
| Honda 500 and 450 Twins 1966-1978 by George Collett, John Witcomb
| Haynes Honda Xl Xr 250 and 500 1978-84 by
| Honda Cx/Gl500 & 650 V-Twins by
| Honda Cbx550 Owners Workshop Manual, 1982-1984 (Haynes Honda Cbx550 Fours Owners' Workshop Manual)
by Pete Shoemark
| Honda Cr60-500R Pro-Link, 1981-1986 by Ed Scott
| Honda Xl Xr 500 650 Singles 1979 - 2002 (Clymer Motorcycle Repair) by Clymer Publications Staff
| Honda Xl/Xr 500-650: 1979-2003 : Service Repair Maintenance (Clymer Motorcycle Repair) by Clymer Publications Staff
| Honda: CR250R 1988-91, CR500R 1988-01 (Clymer Motorcycle Repair) by Clymer Staff, Primedia Business Directories & Books
| Honda CR250/500R Owners Workshop Manual (Owners Workshop Manual) by Alan Ahlstrand, John H. Haynes
| Honda Cr Motocross Bikes 1986-2001: Owners Workshop Manual (Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Series) [82cc, 123cc, 124cc, 249cc, and 491cc] by Alan Ahlstrand, John H. Haynes, John Harold Haynes
| Haynes Honda XL XR 250 and 500 1978-84 by Haynes
| Honda CB500 & 550 Fours Performance Portfolio 1971-1977 (Motorcycle Performance Portfolios) by
| Honda CB500 1993 to 2001 (Haynes Service & Repair Manuals) by Phil Mather
| Honda CX 500/650 ab 78 by
| Not available from UK
| Honda CB 500. Ab Baujahr 1994 by
| Not available from UK