A Range of decals and graphics for the Yamaha R1 2001 Motorbike
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Yamaha R1 2001 Fairing graphics and Decals blue bike both sides
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Yamaha R1 2001 Fairing graphics and Decals blue bike both sides
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Yamaha R1 2001 Fairing graphics and Decals blue bike both sides
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Left and Right Fairing graphics for the 2001 R1 Blue Bike, these are in Black Silver and White as seen on the bike shown, this is supplied in pieces per side with the colours all laid out correctly so the decals just need to be aligned and fitted on the bike
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Left and Right Fairing graphics for the 2001 R1 Blue Bike, these are 
in Silver and White and the Yamaha, YZF, R1, DelataboxII and 
EXUP decals as seen on the bike shown
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